Friday, February 20, 2009

places to live

When applying for the JET program, every one gets to name a place that they would like to be sent to. Not that it is a guarantee that you would be put there but it is still nice to be able to have a say in it. I have done a little research into interesting cities and have found a ton of them. In the next few posts I would like to introduce them starting with my first choice Sapporo. I like living in a city with the population density of Birmingham, it seems to be a nice balance. Birmingham and its metro area contain about 1,100,000 people and the city is about 150 sq miles. Sapporo on the other hand has about 1,800,000 people and is about 3X’s the size of Birmingham. Though it is larger than Birmingham its population density is still probably higher in reality because the cities size includes mountains that are not often inhabited by large numbers of people. Also, I like the cold and the average annual temperature in Sapporo is about 55 degrees Fahrenheit. More over Sapporo gets 190 inches of snow a year. I have only experienced “real” snow (more than a 2 or 3 inches) 3 times in my life that I can remember. I have been told that it doesn’t take long to get tired of snow but I am willing to give it a shot. Speaking of snow Sapporo has an annual snow festival every year which includes ice sculptures! Sounds like a blast to me.
Good food is a huge necessity for me and Sapporo is known for Curry soup and miso ramen both sound super tasty to me. It also doesn’t hurt that they have a famous brewery there that makes Sapporo beer and that they have an annual festival that includes beer gardens and food during the summer. All and all this place sounds ideal for me. Next post Ill get off the north island and talk about a place that is a little warmer.


Sean said...

Snow is definitely cool. There's nothing quite like the first major snowfall of the season. I live in Philly which is pretty much on the border line for snow fall. Sometimes our winters are not snowy at all, and other times we get hit with blizzards. If you go about 100 miles north to New York State, snow is just everywhere for like 5 months out of the year. The biggest pain about snow is transportation. I don't drive a car, so I don't mind that aspect, but I ride a bike, so even when its okay for cars to go out and about I still have to resort to taking the subway. Just some things to keep in mind. Also, I'm pretty sure the Sapporo beer factory is in Sapporo, unless that's some sort of practical joke, haha.

Keelie said...

Isn't Sapporo a little light for you?

John said...

Yah it is to light but it would be fun to drink it in the place it was made. actualy that gives me an idea....