Friday, May 15, 2009

Police are stupid

Ok so I am at UAB's ceramic studio with my girlfriend making sure she is not carried off. For those of you that don't know her personally she is 4'11" tall and could literally be carried off. any how there is a person in her class that has a personality/mental disorder and he decides to get drunk. So as the hours go by and he becomes more demented and talks to various invisible people, slams things on the tables, breaks beer bottles on the kilns, breaks old sculptures, writes messages that are illegible all over the boards, and cusses out the other students. I finally had enough. I called the professor and got no answers.... I called him again 20 min later, no answers. 30 more min go by and he starts cussing out Ashley, my girlfriend, because she asked him a simple question. So I called campus police to deal with him. in about 1 min 3 cops were their asking me questions and pulling this guy out of the studio. in 3 minutes their were 12 cops there I guess for back up or because they were bored. some how the man in question, who is in his late 30s, starts telling the cops that me and another person were not students in the class, which was true. I tell the cop that I am there to make sure my girlfriend is safe he told me that it didn't matter and me and the other guy would have to leave.... so I left, the other guy left, and the drunk guy left. All this happened at 11:00 at night in Birmingham AL. Our wonderful city fluctuates from the number 9 to the number 11 most homicides in the United States every year. In the campus news paper they tell how many people are mugged, how many cars are broken in to etc every week, it usually takes up a few pages. I digress I called the cops and I wound up getting thrown out that's kind of messed up. Oh well I will go have breakfast over at the professor over that studios house in the morning and tell him what all happened. Did I mention that I have taken 13 classes with that professor and house sit for him on a regular basis? We will see tomorrow.

1 comment:

Keelie said...

I love how the cops have to come in dozen at a time, but Ashley should be able to handle the situation on her own....nice....